Knew it all along
All that I had done
And Even then you looked me in the eye
They caught me in the dark
Dragged me through the dust
But even then you cut right to the heart
Cause you could have just left me right there
Bleeding out loud
Stones in your hand
But you didn’t give up
You got down, knelt on the ground
Drew in the sand
Then I saw you get up
You tore down all of their walls
Wrecking their plans
And I’ll never forget
You locked eyes with me and said,
“Nobody’s accusing you now.”
Were knocking at my door
While I was trying to hide
And if I’m honest it’s killing me inside
You didn’t pick up stones
You didn’t bend the lines
Wrote it down in history
Tore down all the lies
When many point a finger
You restore the mind
And pick up all the pieces
Shattered by the fall
Like a mirror to the heart
Cutting deeper than I thought
Hidden things I couldn’t see
Out of sight and out of reach
Rising up inside of me
See it running so it goes
Every thought and heart exposed
They can try and slow it down
But it's never gonna stop
Like the ticking on a clock
Love the way you open your word to me
Show me who you are and what it means to be
Formed into the image of the one I seek
Grounded by the streams so let my roots go deep
Then you open up a wide door
And how you draw close
Always comeback like its vinyl
With Style
All else
Will fade
Not a word will hit the ground, I hit the ground
Flesh will
Every knee will hit the ground, I hit the ground
My heart is so forgetful
Of love so kind and gentle
So I call
My helper deep within
Where no one's ever been
Betrayed your love for silver
Squandered wealth for pleasure
Still you're here
My helper deep within
Where no one's ever been
And I have seen it in the way you've never left me
Where can I go? You know
I'm the prodigal returning home
The wreckage of my crippled heart
Does not surprise you
You won't let go, I know
Even night is bright as day with you
A beckoning to come home
Familiar voice that I've known
I will hear
My helper deep within
Where no one's ever been
And I have seen it in the way you've never left me
Where can I go? You know
I'm the prodigal returning home
The wreckage of my crippled heart
Does not surprise you
You won't let go, I know
Even night is bright as day with you
There I recognize, every morning
At the break of dawn
Mercy's song
Shatters the dark
My bankrupt ways and mistakes
Cleansed and forgotten
By you, my helper deep within
Where no one's ever been
And I have seen it in the way you've never left me
Where can I go? You know
I'm the prodigal returning home
It’s been a while
Since I’ve heard the sound
Voice from the fire
Doesn’t seem as loud
They say that He’s a passive One
He’s been accused of silent vows
That have fallen to the ground
But do you hear the stars singing at night
The sunset and the clouds cannot deny
The poetry of dawn to dusk
Found in plain sight
Maybe if I look through a telescope
I’ll be able to read the words he spoke
A song that’s written in the sky
Not hard to find
It’s been a while
But I hear it now
As clear and as strong
As the rising Sun
They say that He’s a passive One
He’s been accused of silent vows
That have fallen to the ground
But do you hear the stars singing at night
The sunset and the clouds cannot deny
The poetry of dawn to dusk
Found in plain sight
Maybe if I look through a telescope
I’ll be able to read the words he spoke
A song that’s written in the sky
Not hard to find
Words as steady as the sun
If you hear Him don’t reject Him
But do you hear the stars singing at night
The sunset and the clouds cannot deny
The poetry of dawn to dusk
Found in plain sight
Maybe if I look through a telescope
I’ll be able to read the words he spoke
A song that’s written in the sky
Not hard to find